493 Broadway
Newport, Rhode Island 02840
We are a team of 3 Registered Dietitians located in Newport, Rhode Island on a quest to promote customized holistic nutrition and overall wellness. We cover all the baseline diagnoses and help you with any questions you may have throughout your journey with us.

BIOHM Gut Report
Full profile of your gut bacteria. Identify specific need for cleansing, gut healing and probiotics.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Track deficiencies and toxicities. Are you consuming TOO much calcium?
ALCAT Food Sensitivities
Uncover which foods and substances trigger chronic inflammation and its related health issues.
Body Fat Testing
Quick, easy and non-invasive and help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. We track fat loss/muscle gain and find out where you fall on the charts.

"Featured in
Newport Naked"

"Melissa and her team were wonderful to work with over the last year. With her help, I was able to lose over 60lbs and get back to living a healthier life both physically and mentally. I highly recommend anyone looking to make a positive change to stop by the EcoFriendly store and schedule a meeting. She is an extremely knowledgeable, kind, and patient person to work with."